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Planning to study abroad Choose the destination wisely

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Picking up a perfect destination for studying abroad is quite a challenge especially if you have got acceptance letters from many. No matter if you have sought the help of a Masters Admission Services in Dubai, the ultimate decision is yours. To help you make this tough call, we have gathered some important factors to consider while picking up your study destination.  

Universities & Courses

One of the major things you need to check in your preferred destination is the university and suitable courses. You should pick the destination solely based on the best university and course. Look for global university ranking and the best universities in a particular field. It will help you in tailoring your search for a perfect destination. 

Visa Regulations

Visa regulations are another important thing you must consider. The visa policy of every country varies from country to country. Make sure the host country has a lenient visa policy for your native country. A country with tough regulations will make the admission process quite challenging. Moreover, you also need to check the Post-Study Work visa regulations of the country. The UK allows 2-year PSW which provides ample time for students to find suitable employment opportunities. 

Living Expenses

It is also important to consider the living expenses in a particular country. There are some cities famous for the costly living conditions such as New York, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong, Paris, and so on. So, pick a destination that allows you to afford the everyday costs without worry. 


Language is another factor that can influence your destination. If you are moving to a country with a different language than yours and a minimal understanding of English, then it could make it difficult to settle down soon. For countries like Germany, China, Korea, Norway, Japan, etc. it is advised to learn the basics of their respective national language to be able to adapt to life easily.


Some people from Southern countries find it difficult to adapt to the extreme cold weather in the Western states and vice versa. If you have picked up a perfect university but it is located in a town with temperatures below freezing points or a country with high temperatures which makes it unbearable to spend a day without an air-conditioner, you might want to reconsider. 

Studying abroad is undoubtedly one of the best experiences in life. If you have decided to go to another country, make sure to think it through and pick a destination wisely. If you need the help of an expert and experienced educational consultant in Dubai, feel free to reach out to Dr. Anil Khare. 

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