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+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Artificial Intelligence Admission Counselling

Artificial Intelligence Admission Counselling in Dubai

Artificial Intelligence

In a span of a few years, Artificial Intelligence or AI has taken over and transformed our lives in every possible way. From robots in every sector to self-driving cars, AI is everywhere. Hence, it is used to detect skin cancers, control public transport systems and even check the spread of a pandemic. According to trade pundits, AI has tremendous potential in the future. Hence, AI courses are becoming increasingly popular among students pursuing their higher education. These courses make the student competent in the field of AI and empowers them to innovate through research and design, for progress in all sectors especially healthcare, education, agriculture, law and financial services.

AI is used in businesses to enhance the way people work. AI courses cover the past, present and future of artificial intelligence and has modules designed in such a way so as explore the potential of AI. The modules cover interesting facts, trends and insights on using AI, the relationship between humans and AI and the skills required to work with AI.

Coursework in a nutshell:
  • The advent of AI
  • The changing relationship between AI, automation and humans
  • The application of AI
  • Influence of AI at the workplace
  • Skills required to interact with AI
  • How to be future ready


  • 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr Anil Khare can help you achieve your career goals?

For a promising career in Artificial Intelligence, it would be immensely helpful to take the help of international career experts in Dubai. Dr Anil Khare is the most renowned career counsellor in Dubai, who has helped plenty of students, especially IB students in Dubai, looking for career guidance. Contact Amourion Training Institute, the best educational institute and career guidance centre in Dubai for a session with Dr Anil Khare. Amourion and IB Scholars are institutes owned by Dr Khare for all your educational and IB needs respectively.

You may be aware that AI is the most sought-after field of education in the current times due to its growing importance in the world. However, students and parents are confused on the right universities and the right countries to pursue an education in Artificial Intelligence. As a highly regarded career consultant in the UAE, parents and students approach Dr Anil Khare to get a better idea on career goals and future plans. With years of experience in the career guidance industry in Dubai, Dr Khare will be able to clear your confusions regarding your aspirations to pursue a career in AI for students in Dubai and the Middle East. Having a good understanding of how students think, Dr Anil Khare can extract their interests and capabilities so as to guide them in the right direction.

To learn more about the best AI courses and universities for students in Dubai, call Amourion Training Institute. You may also book an appointment with Dr Anil Khare – the most experienced AI career counsellor in Dubai. 

Call us to find out how Dr Anil Khare and Amourion Training Institute can guide you to achieve your dreams.

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