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Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Month: January 2024

Unraveling the Complexity: Why IB Students Benefit from Mathematics Tutoring

Introduction: For International Baccalaureate (IB) students, navigating the challenging waters of Mathematics can be a daunting task. As the rigor of the IB curriculum demands a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, many students find themselves seeking additional support. Dr. Anil Khare, a seasoned educator providing tutoring services in Bahrain, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi, understands the […]
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Dr. Anil Khare Launches his 5th Training Centre in Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street.

In a tremendous accomplishment in his enlightening endeavours, Dr. Anil Khare, a famous IB Mentor, educationist, one of the best career counsellors, has opened his fifth Training Center in Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street. This new establishment, named Amourion Training Center Abu Dhabi Hamdan Street, signifies an earth shattering expansion of Dr. Khare’s educational impression, dealing […]
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Navigating Excellence: Studying Engineering in the USA 2024 with Dr. Anil Khare, UAE’s Premier Career Counsellor

Introduction: Embarking on a journey to pursue engineering in the USA is a transformative experience, filled with opportunities and challenges. Dr. Anil Khare, UAE’s top career counsellor, stands ready to guide you through this exciting academic endeavor, ensuring you make informed decisions for a successful future.   Why Choose Engineering in the USA? World-Class Education: […]
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Why Career Counselling is Crucial for IB Students: Insights from Dr. Anil Khare

Welcome to the official blog of Dr. Anil Khare, a renowned expert in career counselling and education consultancy. Today, we delve into the significance of career counselling specifically tailored for International Baccalaureate (IB) students. As the global landscape of education becomes more competitive, strategic guidance becomes imperative for students aiming to pursue higher education abroad. […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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