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How to succeed on the IGCSE tests?

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Most students strive for an A* in every subject and employ a variety of strategies to achieve this goal. These pointers ought to assist you a very little bit no matter your path or your objective.

Keep your studies long-term

The day before a class test or simulated exam that your teachers have set may find you studying. Glancing through your textbook, study guide, class notepad, and your sister’s handwritten notes, you’re hastily trying to remember everything you can.

In the limited time available, it can be difficult to choose what to concentrate on and what to skip. You are aware that this cannot continue. When the following test comes around, you make plans to study more thoroughly, yet you end yourself repeating the same mistakes. Does that ring a bell? To me, it was.

Here is what to do, reframe your thinking. Just keep the end result in mind as you study for the other exams after the one mentioned above. The Cambridge final exams are the culmination of all the learning and testing. For the upcoming test or prefinal, you are not actually studying. Contact Dr. Anil Khare an IB educational consultant in Dubai!

It doesn’t matter how well you perform on your school tests if you don’t perform exceptionally in the final. Everything is working toward the end result. Your approach to studying may vary if you keep this in mind.

Study using a variety of sources

You most likely utilise a textbook that has been suggested by your school both in class and for home study. It doesn’t harm, though, to look at further sources. The issue is that Cambridge establishes the curriculum, and numerous publishers produce textbooks centered on this curriculum.

Each book could take a different stance on the subjects it covers and how the information is laid up. I’ve noticed that some books downplay or even completely skip over some subjects. This can leave you in the dark and leave you with knowledge gaps if you’re only using one textbook.

This alternative explanation might help you comprehend a subject you previously believed you understood, making you more knowledgeable overall. A greater variety of practise questions may be available for you to use in order to improve your knowledge from various sources.

Examine old tests

Study for six or eight hours a day, but after that, apply what you’ve learned. To regularly monitor your progress and ensure that you are learning the most crucial topics, you should complete past exams often (topics that frequently come in the exam).

It’s similar like practising for the big day in real life. Because you haven’t yet covered the entire course, it could be challenging to complete past papers at first. Every chapter in most textbooks has exam-style questions; you should practise these. Find websites that offer practise tests broken down by or topic or chapter and complete those.

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