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Do you feel under pressure to fall into line when so many of your friends concurrently submit their college applications?

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  • Do you feel under pressure to fall into line when so many of your friends concurrently submit their college applications?

Do you have any compunctions about informing your classmates and parents that you are considering taking some time off or ultimately choosing a different employment direction after the IB? Do not be alarmed; you are not alone.

The phrase “gap year” was first used in the 1960s to describe college students who took a gap year before attending college. In recent decades, gap years have become increasingly typical for individuals of all ages and occupations. A gap year could be a terrific chance to learn new skills, pursue current interests in considerable depth, and grow individually.

Until then, look for work!

A work placement could be a great approach to gaining practical knowledge and acquiring important new skills. Why didn’t you consider it earlier? why not How come “no one intends to hire me” do you think?

Given that most businesses are developing and the world economy is booming, there seem to be employment opportunities everywhere. If you are certain of the type of employment you want to pursue, take a look into internships or apprenticeships. During an internship, a supervisor offers on-the-job training. Most nations have official apprenticeship programs that you can apply to, and you can complete internships in a wide range of educational subjects.

As a method for gaining experience, take into consideration teaching English. In TEFL lessons, students with a multitude of first languages are taught the English language.

Many employers require a TESOL 9certificate in teaching English to individuals who speak other languages) or a CELTA (certified in English language teaching for adults) to work throughout TEFL (CertTESOL). Any of these certificates can be obtained in a school environment or online. You can start by teaching in your neighborhood or internationally as soon as you obtain your degree.

Spread your wings and fly!

Traveling is one of the oldest gap year traditions, but there is a compelling reason for it. When you travel, there are so many gorgeous places to see. Two common choices are taking the train in Europe or backpacking across Southeast Asia.

Try an online course first if you need guidance picking what to study or if you’d like to investigate a brand-new interest from the comfort of your home. Today, a variety of online courses are available, including company management, creative writing, and social media strategy. Depending on the institution you choose, the length, level of intensity, and level of commitment may change.

Want to start a new activity from the convenience of your own home? Have questions concerning your forthcoming coursework? Why not start giving training online a try and see if you like it? You can currently choose from a variety of online courses, including business administration, creative writing, and social media marketing. The course’s duration, level of difficulty, and level of commitment will vary depending on the organization you choose.

Online portfolios are indeed a fantastic method to show your zeal, loyalty, and commitment to a specific profession. Try writing brief stories or offering your opinion on world affairs in a daily column. Create dream boards in fashion or interior design utilizing Canva. There are innumerable possibilities!

Dr. Anil Khare is one of the leading educational consultants based in Dubai, offering perfect insight for students wishing to go abroad. We are a team of passionate educationists helping students learn everything about living abroad.

Call us at +971 55 956 4344 to get enrolled!

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