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Maths Classes by Dr Anil Khare

If you’re a parent looking to make the transition to a higher education institution, then you should consider taking Maths Classes by Dr Anil Khare in Dubai. With years of tutoring experience, he’ll help you build a strong foundation for IGCSE Math, while making learning enjoyable. Plus, he has a doctorate in mathematics, so he’ll […]
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6 Best Ways to Prepare for SAT Exam

The SAT and ACT have become the most popular college entrance exams for high school students, and while many colleges no longer require them, the SAT and ACT can still be beneficial. If you are applying to a competitive college, your SAT or ACT score will help you stand out from the competition. Listed below […]
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Is Math Unique to Humans Only?

Is Math unique to humans just like all the other subjects we have taught in school? If we have been teaching math our whole lives then it makes sense that math would be common. But unfortunately it is not common. In fact in many classrooms around the world, math is not even taught anymore. This […]
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Are Art and Math Related?

Are they related? Math and art go hand in hand. The relationship is not that obvious, but the two subjects do have some things in common. They are both used to create meaning and create works of art. In fact, the two are often taught together in art classes throughout the United States. Does art […]
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The Social And Economic Relevance Of Mathematics Education

The need to explain the political and social relevance of mathematics education has never been more urgent. It is a matter of fact that the quality of our economy depends on how well students perform on standardized tests. And just as there are different aptitudes and skills, aptitude for math is also different in different […]
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Why Study Some Real-Life Examples of Chaos Theory?

Chaos is a subject that has fascinated millions for over two thousand years. Many people think that it began with the Greek mythology’s idea of the god of chaos. However, what most people do not realize is that chaos can be used to express many different ideas in our daily life. If you try to […]
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What is an Online Bootcamp?

Online Bootcamp is an Internet-based training program that provides video-based training. These are bootcamps that offer a set of classes over the Internet, some are short courses and others are longer courses.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)