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The Impacts Of School Environment On Teaching And Learning

The impact of school environment on learning and teaching has been done in Niger College Junior Middle School II. In this study attention has been paid to the immediate surrounding in which students learn. This will greatly affect their educational performance and well being at school. This study has brought out many aspects which are important in a school and how they should be modified to help improve students’ learning and teaching skills.

As part of the study, attention has been be paid to the social context in which students learn and are shaped. Teachers were found to have a major role in shaping this context. The school can be seen as an important place where children come to learn and grow, some form of education is needed for them to develop into adults and have self-confidence. But children who grow up in a less fortunate background, are bound to under perform in the academic front as they may not get adequate exposure to learning and teaching materials.

The study has brought out many aspects of the school which are required to be taken care of for a proper development of a child. The study also gives a picture of the importance of the parents in shaping the minds of their children at a very tender age. They also get a chance to see what happens if the parents slack on their responsibilities. Parents are also a key part in shaping their child’s life and future. It has been found that even a very small proportion of the parents who take good care of their children, suffer emotionally and physically as a result.

There are three research questions which crop up in the minds of the researchers. These questions concern the nature of the relationship between teaching and the quality of the school environment. Another question regards the importance of the physical setting of the classroom and the third one talks about the importance of motivation and encouragement among students. As far as these issues are concerned, we can find some answers to them.

The nature of the relationship between teaching and the school environment is a difficult question to answer as there are many factors that influence this relationship. We cannot say that one or the other stands out as the sole deciding factor. Factors like the population of the school, the teaching style followed and time involvement, student discipline and other factors also come into play. The research questions asked in this context seek to highlight the significance of the school environment in the teaching process. In order to provide an objective view of this important subject, the researchers to conduct a series of studies which include survey, focus group and experiment.

As pointed out by the researches, there is no general consensus about the impact of school environment on teaching and learning. The view that the teaching process is directly affected by the physical environment and the student discipline is present in some areas. However, most of the times, the results are not consistent across schools and even regions. Some schools may be found to have a positive impact on the learning process while other show a negative trend.

A study conducted in Benin City in Nigeria throws light on the effect of the school atmosphere on the curriculum. The study has revealed that both students and teachers had positive expectations towards each other during the curriculum preparation. It was noted that students had a positive attitude towards the teachers during their interviews while the teachers also had high expectations from their students. The study further added that it is only when the curriculum is delivered that the teachers’ expectations go down. It was further found that the distance from the primary school compound to the secondary school compound, has a direct impact on the evaluation of a teacher.

The research further added that the presence of a primary school creates a sense of familiarity among the students during the early years of teaching. This familiarity creates a sense of loyalty and trust among the students towards the teacher. On the other hand, the distance from the primary school complex to the secondary schools creates distance and creates a need for a more individualized approach during the teaching tenure. Thus, the study points out that the impact of the school environment on teaching and learning cannot be generalized as such and can only be understood from the case studies on the cases of two specific educational institutions Benin city and waad al-harbi school in Abu Dhabi.

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