Since 1999
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

IB Economics Classes by Dr Anil Khare

Amourion tuition provides top-notch IB tutoring services in Dubai. The IB curriculum is rigorous and students often require supplemental assistance, especially in the SL subjects. However, Dr. Anil Khare offers personalized attention to each student and customizes his teaching methods to help students succeed. This IB tutoring service also offers IB assignment writing and mentoring services. Whether you’re a high school senior, Dr. Anil’s classes are the perfect solution for you!

Amourion Training Institute is a premier IB institution near Emirates Tower metro station. The IB curriculum is taught by the IBO-certified Dr. Anil Khare, who holds a PhD in Math and has a wealth of experience dealing with various curriculum boards. The IB curriculum is one of the most demanding and rigorous in the world, so it is crucial that you find an IB tutor who can help you excel.

Amourion Training Institute is a premier IBO curriculum school in Dubai. The IBO-certified, PhD-educated management team includes Dr. Anil Khare. The IBO Expert’s years of experience working with a variety of curriculum boards make him a top choice for IB tutoring in Dubai. The IBO course requires a thorough knowledge of the IB curriculum and a solid grasp of international business.

Amourion Training Institute’s IB Economics Curriculum is located near the Emirates Tower metro station. This is a leading IBO training institute in Dubai. It is led by Dr. Anil Khare, a PhD in Math and an IB Expert with years of experience teaching IB students. The IB Economics curriculum is difficult to master, so it is important to choose a high-quality IB tutor for your child.

Amourion Training Institute is a premier IBO curriculum school located in Dubai. It is led by Dr. Anil Khare, a PhD in Math, who has been studying and teaching IB students for many years. This IB tutor is the best in Dubai for IB-related courses. IB Education is an important part of our lives, and Dr. Anil Khare’s IBO tutoring is an excellent resource for IBO Students.

The IB Middle Years Programme is designed to help students between eleven and sixteen years of age achieve higher IB diplomas. The IB curriculum focuses on global awareness and active students. The Amourion Training Institute provides IB mathematics, physics, and chemistry tutoring in Dubai. In addition, Dr. Anil Khare’s IB tuition is the best in the UAE. You will not be disappointed with Dr. Anil Khare’s IBO curriculum.

The Amourion Training Institute is located in the heart of Dubai. It is a premier institution offering IB curriculum. The IBO Middle Years program is a two-year course. It is taught by a highly experienced management team. The staff is bilingual and has a PhD in Math. The Amourion Training Institute also provides IB revision classes in Dubai. The Amourion Training Institute has an outstanding reputation for IB math and physics tutoring in the city.

Amourion Training Institute is a premium IBO curriculum provider in Dubai. It is led by Dr. Anil Khare, a PhD in math, and has experience dealing with curriculum boards worldwide. He is an IB Economics Expert and the best tutor in Dubai, and he is an excellent choice for IB students. When you are working under a tight time crunch, Dr. Anil Khare’s IBO classes will teach you the specialized concepts in the subject.

Amourion Training Institute is a top IB curriculum provider in Dubai. The IBO syllabus is a demanding course, which requires an expert. Amourion is a premium IB curriculum institute and offers tutoring in Arabic, English and Mathematics. It is also an IB Expert. The Amourion has a PhD in Math and is a popular choice for IB students in Dubai.

IB courses are rated on a scale of 1-7. Each subject can earn up to 7 points. CAS is an optional course, which is also an option. The students must earn a total of 24 points in each subject, which is graded on a 7-point scale. The IB diploma, or IB-DP, is a two-year programme. The first year consists of four compulsory subjects, and the rest is a combination of subjects.

Head office address:

Amourion Training Institute
Suite 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2,
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE.

Call for help:

+971 55 956 4344
+971 4 355 4850

Mail for information:
Admission Counselor in Dubai

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