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University of Siena

The University of Siena (Italian: Università degli Studi di Siena, abbreviation: UNISI) in Siena, Tuscany, is one of the oldest and first publicly funded universities in Italy. Originally called Studium Senese, the institution was founded in 1240. It had around 16,000 students in 2022, which is nearly one-third of Siena’s total population of around 53,000. Today, the University of Siena is best known for its Schools of Law, Medicine, and Economics and Management.

On December 26, 1240, Ildebrandino Cacciaconti, the then podestà of Siena, signed a decree imposing a tax on citizens of Siena who rented rooms to students of the local “Studium Senese”. The money from this tax went to pay for the salaries of the maestri (teachers) of this new studium.

The studium was further supported when, in 1252, Pope Innocent IV declared both its teachers and students completely immune from taxes and forced labour levied on their person or property by the city of Siena. Moreover, the commune exempted teachers of law and Latin from military service and teachers of Latin were also excused from their duties as night watchmen. By the early 14th century, there were five teachers of Latin, logic and law and two doctors of natural sciences (medicine).

One of the most notable maestri of the School of Medicine was Pietro Ispano (Pope John XXI). Ispano was an illustrious philosopher, personal doctor to Emperor Frederick II, and in 1276 became Pope John XXI.

Experience seamless admission into University of Siena with Italy admission services in Dubai by Dr. Anil Khare. A trusted study abroad and educational consultant, he offers top-notch admission counseling. Streamline university application processing for Italy with the finest admission counselor in Dubai and UAE. Benefit from unmatched university guidance for Italy and personalized support. Contact Dr. Anil Khare today, your reliable admission consultant in Dubai, to transform study abroad aspirations into reality. Reach out at +971 55 956 4344 and embark on your educational journey with confidence. Your success starts with the right guidance.

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