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University of Palermo

The University of Palermo was officially founded in 1806, although its earliest roots date back to 1498 when medicine and law were taught there. A little later in history, from the second half of the 16th century from their seat at the Collegio Massimo al Cassero, the Jesuit Fathers granted degrees in Theology and Philosophy – subjects in which they had been masters for over 200 years.

In 1767 they were expelled from the kingdom by King Ferdinand I, until 37 years later, when they returned to take their seat – which in the meantime had been turned into the Regia Accademia.

At this time, the same King Ferdinand decided to grant a good seat to the Accademia, moving its location to the Convent of the Teatini Fathers next to the Church of St. Giuseppe.

Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri
After the unification of Italy in 1860, the University of Palermo was modernized under the impetus of the chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro and the minister and specialist in Arab studies Michele Amari, more or less assuming its present appearance. Since 1984 the main building of the University, housing the Rector’s office, is Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri, one of the most important historical buildings in Palermo, built in 1307 and formerly the residence of the Chiaramonte. Not far from Palazzo Steri, on land formerly belonging to the Chiaramonte, the Botanical Gardens of Palermo constitute a further admirable pearl of the University.

Today, the University has grown to be an institution of about 2000 lecturers and 50,000 students in which research in all main fields of study is carried out. In the past few years the university has actively taken part in international cooperation programmes. For a seamless University of Palermo admission journey, trust Italy admission services in Dubai by Dr. Anil Khare. A renowned study abroad and educational consultant, he excels in admission counseling. Simplify university application processing for Italy with Dubai and UAE’s leading admission counselor. Benefit from unmatched university guidance for Italy and personalized support. Contact Dr. Anil Khare today, your expert admission consultant in Dubai, for turning study abroad aspirations into reality. Reach out at +971 55 956 4344 and embark confidently on your educational path. Unveil a world of possibilities with the right SOPs and Letters of Recommendation.

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