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University of Glasgow

Glasgow, Scotland

The University of Glasgow is an award winning research university at Glasgow, Scotland. Founded by king-one-thousand-three, it is currently the fourth oldest university in the English speaking world and one of Scotland’s top four colleges. With almost two thousand years of continuous academic and research growth, the University of Glasgow continues to be a force to be reckoned with in world academic circles. A worldwide leader in the study of psychology, education and social work, the university boasts some four hundred buildings and a million plus alumni today. Glasgow has been home to the first institute of psychology in the western world, as well as the birthplace of the doctorate program in education.

The University of Glasgow has a long and storied history in learning and research. Established in the eleventh century, the University has seen its share of ups and downs throughout its history. During the Middle Ages the university was beset by attacks from Scotland loyalists, and from the French. In the later part of the Middle Ages, the University of Glasgow was severely damaged during the Wars of the Roses, resulting in many books being burnt or destroyed.

Today, the University of Glasgow educates one and all on a variety of disciplines including Education, Counseling and Psychotherapy, among many others. With almost one hundred and forty undergraduate students and around one hundred and fifty graduate students, the University offers both traditional on campus and distance learning programs. With almost two thousand students in residence, the University of Glasgow has never had a less than five hundred student-faculty ratio. With nearly forty thousand alumni and friends, the University of Glasgow enjoys a high student-faculty ratio. Also, the University boasts many departments that are specifically devoted to research, such as the Center for Mental Health Services Research, Equity and Diversity, Gender, Medicine and Health, and Social Psychology.

University of Glasgow is one of only two British universities that offer doctoral degrees in clinical and developmental psychology. The school also offers courses in forensic psychology, which is one of only a handful of departments in the United Kingdom that offer a specialized degree. Additionally, the school houses the Scottish Psychological Society and the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The latter two have nearly thirty departments dedicated to a diverse range of research interests.

Psychology is one of the most popular interdisciplinary fields in the United Kingdom. With Psychology continues to be one of the most popular schools in the country, and considered one of the top mental health specializations in the world, there are many interesting career options available within the field. If you are interested in learning more about the many branches of psychology, you can get more information online or visit their main site. Glasgow also offers a good range of community colleges that offer a variety of course options. However, if your interests lie elsewhere, you can find many postgraduate programs, graduate schools, and counseling at the University of Glasgow.

Many students choose to major in Psychology because it offers flexible learning. While classes may be scheduled during regular business hours, there are times when they can be held off campus. This means less travel expenses and less time away from home and family. There are many graduate programs in clinical and forensic psychology offered by the school.

The School of Psychology offers over thirty different concentrations including Clinical and Developmental Psychology, Counseling and Psychotherapy, Counseling and Psychosocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Genetics and Genomics, Health Psychology, Neuropsychology, Public Relations, and School Studies in Education and Social Work. Some of the faculty members of the Glasgow school are noted for their outstanding contributions in research as well as their outstanding achievements in their academic and professional careers. Other faculty members include Martha Stice, Max Morens, Frank Fernandez, and Richard Frow, just to name a few. International students can also take advantage of the International PhD program in Clinical Psychology.

For those students who wish to conduct independent research, the University of Glasgow has several avenues for them to explore. For students who wish to conduct qualitative studies, they have the facilities and expertise to do so. They also have the facilities and expertise to undertake researches in the areas of developmental psychology, developmental disabilities, and educational settings. The Glasgow Research Centre is also a good resource for students looking for topics for their independent research. There are numerous other facilities as well that the university provides to help its students with their independent projects.

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