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Why Are Some Boys Falling Behind in School?

“Why are some boys falling behind while the girls are moving ahead?” This is a common question among parents. Many parents feel very frustrated about this question, as they know very little about the causes of the phenomenon. Although there is no one single cause for the phenomenon, there are a number of factors that may account for why some boys are falling behind while the girls are making steady progress.

One of the factors that may be causing boys to fall behind is the gender imbalance in the school. It is becoming more evident that the ratio of girls to boys in schools is rising. Some people blame this on the increasing number of girls going to school. However, there is no solid proof to show that this is indeed the case.

Other possible factors or explanations for boys falling behind includes the different types of subjects taught in schools today. The girls are now getting all the subjects that they are supposed to learn from their classmates. On the other hand, boys are also being deprived of learning the same types of subjects. For example, the subject matter in science and math was once only taught to girls but today it is also available to boys as well. In addition, the amount of technology that is used today is also now being used in almost all the schools.

Moreover, the social activities that most girls participate in today are also being conducted by boys. Sports, social networking sites like Facebook, and even video games are some of the types of social activities that most boys are participating in today. If these are the kinds of activities that they want to engage in, then why are they falling behind? Boys do have their own explanations for these kinds of phenomena.

One of the reasons why boys are falling behind is because of the way they treat women. A lot of boys are less affectionate towards the opposite sex nowadays. They don’t really appreciate women because they don’t really see them as equal to them. If you observe carefully, you will notice that there are a lot of boys who are trying to pick up girls for nothing more than a girl’s companion.

On another hand, girls are excelling in sports nowadays. Sports enable girls to improve their social skills because they will be able to interact with a wide range of people during their school days. At the same time, they will also be able to hone their abilities in different fields such as dance, art, music, and many others. If a girl wants to excel in sports, she will need to get proper training. Boys on the other hand will just need to join teams that they identify with.

Another reason why girls are falling behind is because they spend too much time playing games on the computer. They will not have enough time to go to the park or join clubs in their neighborhood. Computer games can help them forget about those things, so they spend too much time alone. However, this should not be the case because boys and girls should be spending time doing stuff that connects them as individuals.

Finally, the last reason why girls are falling behind in education is because they live in a world where beauty is compromised for popularity. The media makes it very clear that girls with good looks are more popular than the ones who have a better background or academic achievement. For instance, the vice president of the United States has a beautiful face but no background in education. Why would people base their judgment on appearances? In order to excel in school, girls have to focus on being good at what they do best – being good at math and science, for instance.

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