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Comparing International Medical Schools

Comparing International Medical Schools can be an intimidating task. You might think that choosing the right international medical school to attend is as easy as ABC – easy as picking an off-the-rack school in the U.S., right? In all seriousness, if you’ve done any amount of research into the medical field, you know that you will be a better doctor if you receive training from an internationally accredited school. As a result, it is vital to carefully examine the choices available and determine which one meets your requirements best.

In addition to having been accredited by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), international medical schools should also be accredited by the Commission on International Medical Education (CIME). Many are, but what about others? Some may be less well known than the first two and there are some that just don’t meet the minimum standards of being a good fit for your needs.

When you compare medical schools abroad, you are comparing like institutions, not like medical doctors. Before you enroll, it’s important that you do thorough research. You should contact the medical schools, obtain information about the faculty, facilities, teaching methods, residency programs, medical school rankings and student evaluations. If you have access to the names of prospective schools, ask your current doctor to review them. If you do choose an institution that you’re unsure of, you can always get their opinion.

The next step is to compare apples to apples – i.e., quality of education, cost, clinical practice, reputation for teaching, etc. The bottom line is that institutions that offer similar levels of education and clinical practice are not necessarily equal. You need to look at all aspects and consider all of your options before making a final decision. It never hurts to contact other doctors who are also considering the program or school and ask for their input.

It may sound scary to compare international medical schools and make a decision based on overseas experience, but it can be done. There are many resources available to help you do this and you should never be afraid to ask questions. The last thing you want is to get into a program that will not prepare you for the US or Canadian healthcare markets.

One of the primary things you’ll want to look at is the level of clinical care and hospitals offered. It’s not enough to just sign up to be in an international hospital if the hospitals aren’t up to par. You should investigate the reputation of the actual institution, as well as the treatment and care provided by the staff. Many times hospitals will be able to provide you with feedback or reports about their practices, which can be extremely useful.

While you compare, you should also look at the types of programs and the number of years the colleges have been around. Some programs have been around longer than others, but there should also be a few key points that are common among the better programs. For example, a few of the best institutions offer a year abroad to help you get a jump start on your career. The number of years a school has been offering medical programs is also a very important consideration.

Of course, the most important factor when it comes to comparing international medical schools is whether you are comfortable in their classrooms. It can sometimes seem like a foreign language when you’re not in your home country. If you’re not used to interacting with people of different backgrounds and histories, you may find it hard at first to adjust. However, once you begin learning and interacting with native speakers, you’ll quickly become comfortable.

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