Since 1999
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

AS-Level Tutoring in Dubai

Join the best AS-Level Tutoring in Dubai

Learning AS level subjects easily is a dream of every student but unfortunately it is hard to find a learned and skilled person to provide training and assistance in Dubai. I am the one among the first trainers in the Dubai to provide highly benefitted materials to help AS level students and parents under one roof. I have a repository of old question papers, assignments, class tests, other international papers of collaborative works. I am having well trained trainers who are available to solve your queries.

I offer the assistance in the following subjects:

Business Studies

We are Providing:-

  • Subject wise classes: For each subject, I along with the experts provide the classes explaining each concept and theory, conduct class tests, and discuss feedback right after to rectify the errors.
  • Online and offline classes: We have both in-class tutoring and online. Students can conveniently select the time and the mode of class. My institute prioritizes the requirement of the student.
  • Mock tests: Prior to every annual exam, my team conducts full-length mock tests including all kinds of model and expected questions.
  • Additional Training: Proper training is given to students explaining easy techniques to write the assignments and internal assessments.
  • Revision: Revision is important prior to write the annual exam. I am providing proper revision classes including questions from old exams.

AS level fosters the students of 16 - 18 age group. It is highly specialized and student usually takes four subjects and prepares the students for A2 level and university education.

  • Deep knowledge of all subject wise concepts.
  • Easy tips to solve all kind of questions.
  • Time management tips for the examinations.
  • To know more core curriculum better
who can enrol
  • Students going to Year 12


  • 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850


Download the course prospectus for a quick review of my IB tutoring support in Dubai.

60 Hours

9000 AED
  • Level : Going to 11th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments
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90 Hours

13,500 AED
  • Level : Going to 12th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments
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[simpay id="8666"]

    IB Tutor in Dubai

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)